Tuesday, February 24, 2009

All The Hours I Can Eat!

Wow, 61+ hour weeks! I never would have pictured myself working this kind of schedule; luckily, it's only for a couple of weeks. This is crunch time for students applying for $ aid and many states have Mar. 1st as their deadline. Thus, the extra hours to help all those people rushing to get their applications in in time.

So far, I really like my job. I see myself as, not only someone there to guide them through the process, but as a cheerleader of sorts, to keep their spirits up as they tackle the aid process. Lots of people get so worried and frustrated when it doesn't go right the first time, that they call us and we have to unwind them a litttle to get them to the point that we can get useful information out of them. I have fun with it and get them laughing.

My supervisor is great as well as those who work around me. I sometimes have trouble focusing on the caller when the hum of the room gets too loud. I don't know how many people are actively working on "the floor" at any given time, but there have been instances where it sounded like a giant beehive. Very odd sensation.

Last weekend we went to a motorcycle parts store to get a battery for the Suzuki. We met a guy there that does alot of work on his own bikes and has lived in Phoenix for a number of years. I asked him if he knew of any reputable car repair shops in Phoenix and he recommended one that I'm going to check out. I'm so tired of my car leaving puddles everywhere I park, not to mention having to refill the reservoirs of the leaking parts every other day. Perhaps they can give me some insight into the other things wrong with it.

I just realized that I haven't written for about 3 weeks. Almost that long ago, my car got broken into. They tried to steal it and must have been amateurs. They used a screw driver and drilled out my entire ignition switch. So, now I have this inch+ diameter conical hole where the ignition switch is supposed to be, thus I am hotwiring my car to start it. Cameron made a wire plug in arrangement for me under the dash so I can start it up pretty quickly. The main drawback is that I have to carry around a couple of ignition wires, as well as my keys to open the doors. Last weekend I locked my keys in the car because I hadn't put them all the way in my purse and they dropped on the seat on my way out. Thank goodness for AAA!

JarJar is doing well. I gave up on trying to keep their food separate, so switched to the prescription dry food a little earlier than was recommended, but now they can eat the same thing and it is out all the time. Apparently, he has been have some trouble with this for a long time. For as long as I have been his "mom", he has had cat box issues (refusing to pee in the box) and now he is readily using it. I wish I had been aware of this before, it would have saved us a lot of worry about the carpets in our rentals getting smelly.

Well, I have done about all the unwinding I can afford to do. I need to get to bed. Good Night!

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