Monday, May 11, 2009

On Giving Birth to a Kidney Stone

What is it with kidney stones? I always thought they were little round objects that passed through the system with little need for worry. Upon doing some research on, I found that they are not nice little round, easily passed, objects. Instead they are crystalline (meaning jagged) and painful when they get to be of much size.

For weeks, maybe a month or so, I've had discomfort and attributed it to any number of internal upsets we humans are prone to. Last week I found out that I am expecting an 8mm "bundle of joy". At least that's what it feels like.

As is usually the case, I have received stories from others about their experiences. "Wow, that's a big one!" The horrible pain, the frustration, the procedures and tests. Thank you for lifting my spirits!

The waiting and wondering, the pain as it moves about. Of course, it's too small to punch me in the side or do aerobics on my bladder, but it definitely has impacted my life, at this time. My doctor told me to expect delivery Saturday, as Friday evening I was in excruciating pain for several hours. False labor?

So, now it is Monday morning and still no sign of it. I continue the consumption of 3+ quarts of water daily and hope for a smooth delivery.

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