Wednesday, September 22, 2010

No News Is Definitely Not Good News!

Well, today is, for the most part, over and I have not received a call from the Humane Society, where I interviewed last week.  They said the would not call unless I was chosen.  So, here I am.  The interview I had yesterday was for Head Start, which is funded by government money, so has to go through a 3 week process to make any sort of decision.

I know several of you were wondering about all of that, so there it is.

Today was the worst one for job leads.  Not much posted that I could remotely qualify for, unless I'm big and burley, and can lift 50+ lbs on a regular basis, or have prior experience doing, which I didn't have for any of them.  Another thing that's frustrating here is the "must be bilingual" criteria that is with about a third of all the job openings.  I wish I could learn languages easily, but they just don't stick!

Well, in the meantime, I've got 7chapters under my belt and many still to go.  Speaking of which, I do need to get back to that business at hand.

Have a good evening!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Understanding More as I Go

Well, my interview seemed to go well, yesterday.  The position is made for me, except for the hours.  It's 3 8-hour days: Sat, Sun, Mon.  Not bad, except Cameron's "weekend" is Sun/Mon.  It could make for some drastic schedule changes at home.  At this point, though, anything is good.

After the interview, I went to the mall to see some of the friends I left behind, especially the others still at the Pagoda.  Unfortunately, the manager was there, and since I didn't give her any notice, I really didn't want to see her.  Luckily, she disappeared from the kiosk for quite some time, as usual, so I was able to go into the Zales, which is next door, to chat with one of my friends in there.  While I was talking with her, one of my other friends, he had been a regular customer at the kiosk, saw me and stopped to talk.  He was in a hurry, so I told him I'd stop by the salon he works at in a little while.

Both of my friends want to place an order with me.  We'll see if they follow through.  The one at Zales gets paid next week and said she'd call me then.  The other, is interested in more products than I have on my website so wants me to bring him a catalog next week.  All it takes is word of mouth in this town.  If I can get a handful of happy customers, they'll tell their friends, etc.  Viral marketing is what I was told it takes to make a business, here.  Several good experiences can create a success, but a bad one can destroy it.  That's Santa Fe.

I've made progress on several other fronts.  I'm slowly filling in my podcast guest schedule.  I'm booked through November.  I'm slowly making my way through the book for October's show.  The publisher I frequently work with, is sending me about 6 books to choose from, that are by the author I'll be interviewing in November.  She's fairly prolific and has a couple coming out then.  I'm not sure about the others she's sending me, but free books are always welcome!

Then, speaking of books, I'm managing to get about a chapter written each day.  Though I took yesterday off to just regenerate.  I have 5 chapters and a prologue in final stages.  Cameron is encouraging me to keep working on it, not wanting me to loose my momentum.  He says it's riveting writing and the story line very intense.  He's sure it will be a good book once I finish.  I'm handling it one chapter at a time, with an outline to keep me on track.  I don't know how many chapters there will be.  Each one begins and ends on its own terms.  Most prompt tears at some point in them.  That makes them all the more tiring to write.  I think this will turn out to be good therapy for me, once it's all done and all the memories are packed into a file outside of my brain.

With the thoughts from chapter 5 neatly tucked away in my laptop, I should be able to get some sleep. I have another interview on, I think Tuesday, so I'll let you know how that one goes. Good night!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fatigued, yet productive

There's still no new interviews or even potential interview contact.  I've applied at several locations, both large and small companies.  Since most of these applications were submitted on Friday or over the weekend, I don't anticipate hearing from any of them for another day or so.

Some good out of this?  I'm getting a good amount of writing done.  This is extremely difficult for me as it is dredging up memories that I had pushed down 3 years ago.  Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.  Eventually, they start oozing back up and popping into your head.  I've suffered from PTSD from Cameron's accident, but never dealt with it with a professional.  Now I am, especially now that those memories aren't cooperating like they had for the past few years.

The writing is for a book. It's written from my perspective and begins the day I receive notice of the accident.  I don't exactly know where it will stop, but I'm getting it all down on paper.  Like throwing up that poisoned food that is only making you miserable while in your stomach, I'm regurgitating the minutes, hours, days , and weeks of a time that I felt more fear and helplessness than anyone should ever experience.

My therapist says it will be a healthy undertaking.  I'm not sure I'm 100% with him on this, now that I'm into it.  My anxiety levels have increased and I tear-up frequently, especially when I'm writing.  I feel moodier and more exhausted than usual.  I'm only 50 pages into it, with many more to go.  One thing is good.  Cameron is glad that I'm doing this.  It might be because it helps him to understand what was going on while he was not himself or just happy that I am writing.  He's always loved my writing and encouraged me to write. It was always hard to find the time, since I tend to get engulfed in my subject.

I may post some of it here and there, or may send hard copies to those who are interested.  I don't know what I'll do with it when it's finished, so would rather not make it available to just anyone who happens upon my blog.  That's to be worked out later, I guess.  For now, it's been a long day.  My allergies have made it difficult to sleep some nights.  Last night was one of those, hopefully, tonight will bring me deep, restful, sleep.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Zozobra opens Fiestas de Santa Fe

The following is from the local paper.  This is an annual tradition here and very popular.  Unfortunately, they increased the cost to attend, and we really don't like crowds, so we were not present for the festivities. I thought you might be interested in the cultural aspect of it.

[Photo Gallery] Old Man Gloom meets fiery doom - The Santa Fe New Mexican  This link will take you to information on the history of Zozobra.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

It Just Keeps Going and Going

The first of September was both wrenching and mind-boggling.

That great job I got a few weeks ago, ended. It was decided that I just wasn't right for the position.

Our lease on our apartment is up at the end of the month and the great move-in special we got last year, ends then, as well.  This means our rent will go up $200 on October first.  If one month's notice is required to move, I had to decide whether we would be staying here or moving somewhere cheaper.  Since I couldn't get a hold of Cameron, I gave notice, with the understanding that I could cancel it. This would be the only opportunity to do so.  

I spent the next day checking out potential future homes, but the costs involved in moving would be hard to come by if I have difficulty finding employment.  So, after discussing it, we decided to cancel our notice and take the lesser of the two evils.  The management company is offering one month of free rent that can be credited to our account and used as needed.  That helps a little since, if necessary, we can take what we can't afford to pay next month out of the credit allowance.

OK, so here I am, again, searching for a job.

Wednesday, I applied for a job with an organization that works with at-risk youth and their families.  It's similar to another position I had several years ago and I had planned to apply there the same day I was hired for my former position.

Thursday, I got a phone call from that organization, requesting that I come in for an interview on Tuesday.  That was fast!  I've continued to apply for other jobs, but don't expect to hear from anyone until after the holiday.

This "break" is giving me the opportunity to take care of long-overdue cleaning projects.  I also, have an hour long podcast interview to edit down to 20-25 minutes by the 15th, so am working on that as well.  The interview is with Paul Krassner, the satirist.  He's a very interesting person.  I enjoyed talking with him, as is evident from the length of the discussion/interview.  If you're interested in listening to it, it will be posted on iTunes sometime on the 15th of September, under the podcast name of "The WildO Network".

Cameron is doing well and getting a better handle on the stress of his job. There's been some personnel changes there, so that shakes up the "norm".  I'm not sure how the winter will be handled this year as everyone on the service side of the dealership's pay is dependent on a constant influx of customers.  That's something we saw greatly lacking our first winter here.

It's looking like we may have some rough months ahead, but we could, also, be pleasantly surprised. I'm feeling a little more positive at the moment and anticipate a surprise or two.  Paul (Krassner) is going to be using part of the unused interview to glean some quotes from me, and will be calling me in the coming weeks for more information. It seems that he is working on an article that may put my business in a very visible position.

Like I said, there may be some surprises ahead.