Saturday, September 4, 2010

It Just Keeps Going and Going

The first of September was both wrenching and mind-boggling.

That great job I got a few weeks ago, ended. It was decided that I just wasn't right for the position.

Our lease on our apartment is up at the end of the month and the great move-in special we got last year, ends then, as well.  This means our rent will go up $200 on October first.  If one month's notice is required to move, I had to decide whether we would be staying here or moving somewhere cheaper.  Since I couldn't get a hold of Cameron, I gave notice, with the understanding that I could cancel it. This would be the only opportunity to do so.  

I spent the next day checking out potential future homes, but the costs involved in moving would be hard to come by if I have difficulty finding employment.  So, after discussing it, we decided to cancel our notice and take the lesser of the two evils.  The management company is offering one month of free rent that can be credited to our account and used as needed.  That helps a little since, if necessary, we can take what we can't afford to pay next month out of the credit allowance.

OK, so here I am, again, searching for a job.

Wednesday, I applied for a job with an organization that works with at-risk youth and their families.  It's similar to another position I had several years ago and I had planned to apply there the same day I was hired for my former position.

Thursday, I got a phone call from that organization, requesting that I come in for an interview on Tuesday.  That was fast!  I've continued to apply for other jobs, but don't expect to hear from anyone until after the holiday.

This "break" is giving me the opportunity to take care of long-overdue cleaning projects.  I also, have an hour long podcast interview to edit down to 20-25 minutes by the 15th, so am working on that as well.  The interview is with Paul Krassner, the satirist.  He's a very interesting person.  I enjoyed talking with him, as is evident from the length of the discussion/interview.  If you're interested in listening to it, it will be posted on iTunes sometime on the 15th of September, under the podcast name of "The WildO Network".

Cameron is doing well and getting a better handle on the stress of his job. There's been some personnel changes there, so that shakes up the "norm".  I'm not sure how the winter will be handled this year as everyone on the service side of the dealership's pay is dependent on a constant influx of customers.  That's something we saw greatly lacking our first winter here.

It's looking like we may have some rough months ahead, but we could, also, be pleasantly surprised. I'm feeling a little more positive at the moment and anticipate a surprise or two.  Paul (Krassner) is going to be using part of the unused interview to glean some quotes from me, and will be calling me in the coming weeks for more information. It seems that he is working on an article that may put my business in a very visible position.

Like I said, there may be some surprises ahead.

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