Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Day Off, From Work at Least

Well, my first 2 days are past and I have today off.  It's a little overwhelming at times remembering the instructions given (I now have a pad to write everything down on).  I've mostly been working in the back of the store in the printing department.  I like it there as I meet so many interesting people and get to do to desktop publishing, which I really enjoy.  This picture was given to me by an artist who was making note cards of his latest creation:

He was very interesting, as you might have guessed, and very thankful for my assistance.  We get lots of artists who com in to do the same thing or to order them professionally done.  I got a copy of a beautiful photo of a small suspension bridge, which I would add to this post, but my scanner can't scan that large of a photo.  The bridge is over 80 years old and still in use, though I'd be hard-pressed to drive over the thing, let alone walk it!

I'm being cross-trained so I can be used in whatever department they want me in, but I've already gotten a following of several customers that ask for me by name, back in the print area.

Since today is my day off, I have tons of things to do, so should start into them.  I'm excited about the gift of this picture, received yesterday, and just wanted to share it with you.  Perhaps I'll write more later today.

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