Friday, November 27, 2009

Moving Forward

Left foot...right foot...left foot...
It sure looks easy when you put it down in black and white. 

Regardless of how much in control we feel we are, we're really on a sort of moving walkway, like they have at airports.  We keep moving our feet, deliberately and carefully (or sometimes not so carefully), but that isn't all that propels us forward.

There's this inner drive, a hand, that nudges us toward a goal.  Alot of the time we have no idea what that goal is, but something inside makes us get up everyday and move forward.  Maybe it's the searching for the goal that motivates us when no goal is in sight.  Our exhistence has to have a reason; a purpose.

It's hard to hear or see that tiny spec inside of us that has the answer.  Some catch glimpses, and hear the faint whisper-that's what pushes them, headstrong into what looks like an impossible storm.  Some search most of their lives, often for the wrong thing, forgetting to listen, or deaf to the sounds of hope in the answer.

While we try hard to pay attention, we trip on bumps along the walkway.  It could be cast off items from other travelers or our own baggage that we keep dropping in front of us, because we brought too much along.  Losing the brief link with our inner voice is that easy.

So, as a holiday wish...
Unload some of the extra baggage, lighten your load.  Keep your eyes on the future in front of you and listen...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Finally, Some Forward Momentum

Well, I now have a phone.  It only took about 2 weeks to get it, but I do have it.  Yeah!

That almost closes the chapter on "The Flood".  Things are still out of place around our apartment, but they were out of place before.  We didn't have the chance to really settle in, so I'm taking my time and thinking it through, giving each item it's place.

The store I work at, Piercing Pagoda, is located in the city's indoor mall.  It's a large kiosk that sits in the middle of the flow of foot-traffic that moves through the place, in a sort of oceanic ebb and flow.  I guess you could say that "hurricane season" is soon upon us, turning the waters into tidal waves that converge onto the waiting shores.  I've always avoided malls, especially during the holiday season; and look where I am!  I'm even scheduled for Black Friday.

Well, to deal with all of the sniffling, sneezing, coughing that surrounds me during my shifts, I'm taking extra vitamin c and zinc, hoping to hold off any lurking viruses until our medical insurance kicks in on Dec. 1.  Another Yeah!!

Aside from my great dislike for crowds, etc., I do enjoy the people watching.  There are some very eccentric characters in Santa Fe and it seems like the colder it gets, the more they come out to roam. 

Cameron is making his place where he works.  It's scary being the "new guy" sometimes, especially when there isn't much to keep busy with.  The old saying "last hired, first fired" comes to mind.  I know he's stable there.  This is the standard seasonal slow-down as described by all who work there.  It's a family company, they take care of their members and are upfront with them.  He'll be OK, he just needs to hold on to his faith in himself.

That's what we both need to do.  We can do anything we put our hearts and minds to, but we have to really believe that to be true.  We're finally in a place that feels right, so we're doing what we are supposed to do, and on the path that is right for us. 

One thing I missed about our place, when we were temporarily located in another part of the complex, is the pine tree outside our patio.  When I leave in the morning, or any time for that matter, the fragrance greets me as I walk past.  There weren't any pine trees in that area, so the smell was absent.  The scent intensifies when the tree gets wet, inviting me to take in its presence when the rain and snow obscure the view of the incredibly blue sky.  I'm home.