Monday was the day we had arranged for the maintenance guys to move us to the apartment which was originally to be our temporary lodging, but we decided to go ahead and move into it permanently since it will be at least another week before the original apartment will be finished. Management was happy since it would save them some paperwork and the workers wouldn't have to deal with going into the apartment to retrieve items. It is a little smaller, but the rent is much cheaper. Well, after packing up all of our stuff, the guys come in and tell us that the manager says they can only move the big things, such as the desks and bed. Now, the management had told us that we could take the apartment and they would move us. Apparently, they meant only the larger items. There is no way we can move all the rest of the stuff into an upstairs apartment ourselves. That's why we originally chose a downstairs place.
Off to have words with the manager, who is not exactly the poster child for good customer relations. She insists that we are on our own to move anything but the big items. Well, we tell her our physical limitations and our understanding that our belongings would all be moved. When we asked for the phone number to her supervisor, she refuses to give it to us. We have the number, but it was packed up with all the rest of our stuff.
Cameron pulls up the corporate website and manages to track down the person we need to speak with. She says she will call us back after she speaks with the apartment manager. Well, she comes back with the offer to let us just move back into our original place after they are done, and maintenance will move back the few items they had moved here for us.
I just want to settle into my home. We had only been in the apartment for 5 weeks before all this happened and here we are, back in this state of limbo. Now, what settling I had accomplished, is undone and so everything will need to be unpacked, again! This whole thing has been a nightmare.
One uplifting thing, IT'S SNOWING!!! It's too wet to stick, but it is so pretty coming down. The pictures are from the balcony of our temporary abode. Here's a little video of it all coming down just click on the picture:

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