Sunday, February 13, 2011

Riding the H2O Train

I've passed the 1 week mark, since the surgery, and am still having some discomfort.  Should't I be done with all this by now, and feeling great?!  Or am I just being impatient?

I chug about 4+ liters of water a day; it seems like that would be enough to irrigate every impurity from my body.

Oh well, I will try to be patient and see what the Dr. has to say at my upcoming appt.

In the meantime, job hunting continues, for both of us.  Who knows where we'll be next fall?  We could be set in some decent jobs, here, in Santa Fe, or off to another state.  Either way, it will be nice to be in a different "place" than we have been.

There are signs of the on-coming of Spring, that I noticed while walking Tuesday this afternoon.  First of all, the temperatures are beginning to climb above freezing, though there are still patches of ice and snow in shady areas. I actually saw some closed leaf buds on a couple of trees, and some little green shoots coming out of a crook in another tree.  It kind of looks like the grass in some areas is making a try at coming back.  Poor Tuesday hunted around the grassy areas searching for grass to eat.  All she found were some semi-green blades scattered among all the brown ones.

We're pretty much ready for spring, though that tends to be a windy time and my allergies go nuts!  Being able to put the big coat and boots away until next year, along with the extra warm tops and thermals, will be nice.  Cameron can go back to his regular motorcycle rides with his "Hooligans" friends and I won't have to worry about slipping and falling when I cross the arroyo on the way to work. (It's like a natural drainage area that is about 7 ft. below ground level so there are slopes on both sides.) Lately, I've been taking the car since all the snow along the path has turned to ice.

I've joined a women's group called The Girlfriends of Santa Fe.  It's one of the meet-up groups in the area.  I've only gone to a couple of get-togethers, so far.  Alot of the members are quite well off and plan things like dinner out at one of the expensive restaurants, or a museum trip, etc.  I can handle the coffee-house ones and book discussions.  Well, in March, one of the members is hosting a knitting and crocheting group.  I tried both in elementary/jr. high, but just couldn't keep the tension even on the yarn.  This sounds like a very informative and fun time. I have a friend at work who wants to go, as well I'm thinking that taking one of these up will give me some relaxation time, not to mention some new friends and social life.  I'm considering another one that is being hosted by someone who is a life coach.  She doing a meeting geared just for women.  I could use some direction and have lots of internal junk that either needs to be tossed or organized.  Perhaps my brain cloudiness will improve somewhat with the organization and focus in one direction.

Well, Tuesday is giving me "the look" and sighing, meaning it's time to go out so I'll stop here.

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